Sunday, 6 July 2014

Let Me Talk To You About Jet Lag For A Moment

You know how you get frequent flyer points/miles when you fly lots, as a bit of a bonus for your loyalty etc..  well I'm proposing that the more you fly, the less jet lag you should get.  I know that may sound not metaphysically possible, but I'd like someone to come with a plan or perhaps design an app that stops you from suffering from this debilitating affliction.

We left Salzburg at 10.45am on a Friday....

And landed in Frankfurt at 11.55am on the same Friday.

Then we flew from Frankfurt at 2.30pm - still on the same Friday....

And landed in Dubai at 11.25pm - same day.

Then we flew from Dubai at 2.45am on Saturday morning....

And landed in Singapore at 2.30pm on the same Saturday.

Now, we thought - "huh jet lag, we'll beat you this time" and planned to push through on the first flights and then sleep on the Dubai - Singapore flight.  Sure, we landed in the afternoon, but thought if we push through to a reasonable hour, we'd be right as rain.....

But, we weren't right as rain.

Because we had to stay awake until we boarded our plane in Dubai at 2.45 stupid am - we looked a bit like this..... and feared that we might miss the plane altogether.

Then, I slept as soon as we sat on down in our seats, even before the plane took off and didn't wake up until we landed in Singapore - that was a good 7 hours of sleep.  "So far, so good" I hear you thinking.

But then after walking around Singapore for about 3 hours, we both suddenly felt exhausted, like we were going to fall asleep where we stood, so we high tailed it back to the hotel, and thought we'd just have a little nap - a rookie jet lag mistake, but unavoidable it would seem.  We slept from about 6pm until midnight, when we both woke up - wide awake, and realised we were both fully clothed.  

Me Jenny was able to snooze a bit on and off after that, but I was awake until 5.30am.  Let me repeat that - 5.30am.  Until I finally fell asleep again until about 9.30am.

During my marathon night time awakeness, I googled jet lag and ways to combat it and this concept caught my eye.....

Apparently they're made to fit over your regular glasses, so that's good news, and then the light shines into your eyes which essentially resets your body clock.  Now, That's great technology and all, but I want something better and completely different.

Those of you who are aware of my need for lots of sleep will understand how important this is to my sanity and to Jenny's safety.

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