Tuesday 17 June 2014

Another Noice Day in Nice

So, this is the bathroom window, that looks out directly onto the bedroom part of the room.  They've obviously done this in the renovation to give more light into the bathroom and maybe because it's a bit trendy?  Or maybe because the architect/designer didn't believe in privacy?  Or it was a mistake and just didn't think it the whole way through.  Jenny is standing in the bathroom, but when she actually stepped into the bath/shower, she was another foot taller...... and nude.  Yes, I took a photo, but it's not for posting..... come on dude, that's my mum!

 Our day began back down on the Promenade heading towards a flower/fresh produce market that we'd read about.

Did you know that there are little Statues of Liberties all over France?  This one is just sitting along the Promenade and there is a couple we saw in Paris.  The chap who made it was French and they they took the little one in Paris to New York to make the 93m replica that we all know and love that stands on Liberty Island.

And then the market..... 

Jenny getting a touch of the hay fever.

These flowers are almost as pretty as me Jenny!

Then the fresh produce bit.....

Does anyone need a mound of sun dried tomatoes?

Zucchini flowers

 And the French love to glaze things and make miniature things out of marzipan.

Home made soaps presented in these lovely little tins of French design.

Berries..... Berries...... Berries

All varieties of Mushrooms.... 




And Donut Peaches...... these were delicious!  Not very French though to be eating on the street as you are walking, but as French as we sound, let's face it - we're not French! 

The market is held in the old part of Nice surrounded by these gorgeous old buildings.   Part of you thinks they could do with a lick of paint and the other part thinks - don't ever touch them.

After the maket, we walked up the hill and followed the coast around to the marina to look at the big boats.

We didn't actually walk up this hill, but there was a slight incline to the base of this hill where I took the photo from...... we walk around it.

The days we were in Paris, I searched for a place that served Niçoise Salad, but couldn't find anywhere.  I thought maybe it wasn't fashionable anymore.... but luckily, on our last meal in France - I found a place.  And it was lovely!

Just another example of someone not giving a shit where they park.

And here's another one.  Check out this Smart Car.  If only the footpaths were a little narrower and the parking spaces just that bit wider - this really would be a smarter way to park.  You'd get more cars in!

On our way back we walked through the market again, but something told me that they'd finished.......

Think of all the creative up-cycling you could do here!

Nice was becoming more and more cultural as we wandered through this Writer's Festival where all the authors gathered to sign and sell their books and have a chat with people.  Or at least we think that's what was going on..... ? 

This statue of Apollo was removed from The Massena Square 30 years ago due to the pressure from The League of Feminine Virtue regarding one of his more impressive attributes that was on display.  He languished in the west of Nice at the Charlies Ehrmann Football Stadium for the past few decades, but the previous mayor set in motions works to restore the statue to his former glory and now he's back where he belongs.

This is one of the Seven Statues of The Massena square.  There are 6 more like him in different poses.  Some people call them Buddhas, others "prayers", some love them and others find them ugly.  Nobody is indifferent to them.  The seven resin statues represent seven continents and the communication between the different communicates of today's society.  They are called "Conversation aà Nice", plus the statues are lit up every night, the colours change smoothly between each statue creating a dialogue between them.  Apparently it's very beautiful and poetic.

Thank you for a lovely day Nice...... we fly out to Venice tonight. 

So it is "Adieu la France. C'était très agréable de vous rencontrer à nouveau. Nous allons vous revoir bientôt." From us

And "Au revoir" from him.

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