Friday 6 June 2014

Thank You Paul Bucose

Last time I was in Lyon with Madds we met up in Lyon and naturally navigated towards the Paul Bocuse Les Halles de Lyon food market.

Our boat wasn't parked too far away from the market and I knew Jenny would love it, so after our morning tour of the old town, we hot-footed it up the boardwalk to get us some cheese.

On our way we were surprised by this floating Aussie bar - Ayers Rock.  Australian seem to be so exotic over here..... little do they know!

After about half an hour of walking we made it to Les Halles de Lyon....

And this is what we found.....

French Praline - but not praline chocolate, like in Belgium.  In France, praline is almonds coated with coloured sugar coating and you crush them and then mix it with stuff.  We did buy some, but haven't tried it as yet.  We will let you know the outcome.  

Patès and terrines...

All sorts of sausages and meats....

and cheeses, oh my the cheeses....

(Kirta, I apologise to you especially for this next photo)

Rabbit bums!

And Middle Eastern savoury things...

and Cavier...

And all sorts of seafood...

And glazed fruits...

And chocolate...

And desserts!

We purchased a little bit of this and a little bit of that and we made our own platter dinner in our cabin.  Scrum-didily-umptious!

Madds..... this post is for you.

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