Saturday 28 June 2014

Any Port In A Storm

It was with only the tiniest bit of disappointment that we arrived in one of the most beautiful places in the world under the massive cloud of a threatening thunder storm.

We managed to make it up to the top of the fortress to check out the magnificent view before the heavens opened.

During a break in the weather, we walked, with umbrellas in hand, from our hotel into the main old town and port of Hvar.  We got there unscathed and had a quick look around, but just before we were about to return, there was thunder and lightening and down it came....

Everyone scattered.  People took cover in pubs and restaurants, under doorways and any umbrella they could find.

But.... who cares, right?  Look where we are!

I love the roof tops of these old towns.  It sort of reminds me of the opening credits of Charlie and Chocolate Factory.

And then the next day........

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