Sunday 1 June 2014

J'ai Seulement Parle Un Peu De Français!

Most people have been really friendly and helpful when I try to use my 4 months of French lessons.

I was doing ok and was practicing what to say in my head until I spoke to a lady in a chocolate shop who clearly had no time for some (probably) English person to try out clearly very basic French on her.

I got a bit flustered when she said "'Ello! 'Ello!"

What I wanted to say was: "Do you have any chocolate with salt.

A fairly easy sentence when you've had 4 months of lessons.  However, after the  flusteredness, I came out with "Vous allez choc......"

When she rolled her eyes, and cut me off, "Do you speak English?" she asked, exasperated.

"Yes." I replied and continued my question in my native tongue feeling somewhat deflated.

When I got back to Jenny, I told her what I'd said and she said "Doesn't 'vous allez' mean 'you go'?

Yep.... so I had asked the lady "You go chocolate?"  Or I would have if she'd let me finish my sentence!

But, you'll be happy to know that I did a bit more practicing before getting to the next shop (next door) and asked perfectly and understood what the lady said...... which was "No", but she did give me directions to another shop, which I was able to follow.

Nailed it!

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