Sunday 29 June 2014

No 'Ston' Left Unturned

Ston is located on the base of the peninsula, where it joins onto the mainland just north of Dubrovnik....

We were driving into the town and just before we turned the last corner, Jakov, who is very proud of his country - and rightly so, said that he had a surprise for us and that we needn't go to China to see the Great Wall, cause the Croatians have got one of them as well!  I mean, they've got mountains, they've got lakes, they've got vineyards and islands and beautiful water and blue skies and a type of singing that is covered by UNESCO and now they've got a bloody great big wall that goes up a mountain and over the top and down the other side! 

And.... crazily enough, this is not the only one in the country!

You can climb up to the top of the mountain, but Jen and I thought we would sit this one out cause we hadn't had lunch yet and we didn't think that would be fair to anyone.

 And inside the medieval town of Ston.....

This little street leads up to the entrance gate of the wall.  

The whole town is very pretty and has flowers and plants wildly growing over the tops of walls and out of doorways.

Then finally lunch, which was shared with about 6000 stray cats.  Nobody seems to mind them and they just look after themselves.  I think if I lived there I would have have to adopt all of them.....

Crazy cat lady life, here I come!

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